The Linux Program for USB Webcam Spectrometer

LPUWS is free universal GUI application for DIY Spectrometer or Raspberry Pi Spectrometer .

It supports Video4Linux compatible devices (/sys/class/video4linux/videoXX).

Contact: Marián Hubinský, lpuws(œ)

Binaries - download, set executable bit (chmod +x lpuws_x86_64-gtk2) and run.
Compiled 64 bit binary for GTK2 or 64 bit binary for QT5 (~7 MB) or 32 bit binary (~5 MB) or for Raspberry Pi 32 bit ARM (~6 MB).

All tests and development of the LPUWS was made on the Thunder Optics® SMA Mini Spectrometer.

If you get error about opening device /dev/videoxx, try run following command to add user to group Video:
sudo usermod -a -G video pi
where pi is user name.

Function of LPUWS is similar to Theremino or Spectragryph software on Windows.

Video: LPUWS in action on Raspberry Pi or see it on Youtube.

Some screens:

LPUWS main screen

LPUWS main screen with reference spectrum

LPUWS main screen with menu

R G B curves

Camera settings

Camera live image

LPUWS Spectro Meter SW is developed in Lazarus with 5dpo SdpoVideo4l2, "JBS Laz Version Info Library" and SpectraLibrary.